
graceful as fuck.


I know exactly how I got here.

I don’t slip out of my skin for anyone.

My man knows I’m crazy as fuck, that my feelings are facts & that I’d choose me.

My mother knows I’m opinionated, that I have a foul mouth & that my birthday card will always be late.

My friends know I’m selective, most likely not going & if I am, there’s a chance I’ll cause a scene.

We find ourselves lost, when we slip out of our skin for another. It’s like telling a lie. One leads to another and before you know it, you’ve lost your voice, lost your way, lost you.

People who love you, respect you, and want you to be happy, won’t let you slip outside your skin for them. Everyone else is expendable & an accessory to the death of you.


Maybe I’ll meet you again, in another time

where I love myself as consistently as I love you.


There are others walking around with unruly curls & almond-shaped eyes, wearing shorts that kiss their skin. But, no one else is speaking with this sound. In no other voice, will you hear my story or smile.


Speak your truths

Let them fall from your mouth

Or forever hold them

And know no peace


There is light in all things. As dark as it may seem, and it is dark.

There is light here too, and there will be light again.

It’s ok to see the light, to seek the light, and to sit in the light, as long as you can.

The light will get us through.


If there’s something you don’t like about yourself, and you’re avoiding it, I can’t like it either. And, that’s where we end. In some cases, where we never begin.


I will not let this world take my peace.
I will fight every day for what is mine.
And, when I’m faced with hardship & heartache, I will live, create, love, think, laugh,
be me, harder.
I am my own revolution, within the revolution


There will be times we stand alone

In choices we make

In things we do

In people we love

In people we leave

That’s ok. Stand alone

Be your own revolution, within the revolution.


Some doors you close

Some doors you hope open 

And some doors, you gotta kick the fuck down, walk through, and commit to loving yourself through whatever is on the other side.


She appeared small but the way she looked at the sky, while the wind howled around her, told me that she’d been a storm or two.


Go after it girl

Claim it

Take it down

Open your heart

Let it fill you up

Never fear

Always love

Feel it all


Standing in your truth makes it possible for someone esle to stand in theirs.


Going mad and trying to stay calm

Breaking down but trying to stay strong
I put my hands to work & began to pull weeds.

But the more weeds I pulled, the more weeds I saw, and their roots were so strong & so deep. The weeds were growing everywhere, all over and in between, and sometimes even covering the beautiful things.

At some point I felt tired & filled with defeat because it’s exhausting living in between. So I ripped everything out and poured concrete where things used to be because I cannot survive, let alone thrive, in a world where I’m trapped in between the weeds and the beautiful things.


There’s a difference between giving up & giving in. Pick your battles & remember:

there is beauty in Surrender; there is strength in Yielding & at some point we must submit.

The choice to what & to whom is yours.


I’d stop my breathe just to hear yours

I lay in silence begging take me instead

The only breathe left is mine 

I lay in the dark begging take me too.


Choose someone who points to your true north.

Life is complicated. You are meant to get lost  & fight your way back.

You’re the only one who knows the way, but if you want to grow with someone, you both have to be moving in the same direction.


Filled to the brim with mad laughter & magic

love spilling over, onto all things she touches inspiring all those around her: love harder, love longer, love stronger

she is but a few among us walking, loving, living with unbridled passion

she is contagious. 

she is infectious. 

she is all things at once.


Take a break.

Take a moment.

Take your meds.

Take a nap.

Take it easy


And just like my hair, I set my truths free

I let them down & out to breathe

And when they were no longer my truths

I cut them off & began anew.


I demand it all.
And, make none of it easy.
I know all my flaws.
And, make no excuses for them.
I get my feelings hurt.
And, make no adjustments to my expectations.
I make it hard.

But, I ℓove hard & my heart is good.


there will always be someone who doesn’t like what you’re doing.
As long as that someone isn’t you. You’re good.


everything I ever wanted

has been just beyond the space
where I find comfort


Get lost.

Find your way back.
Return to you
with each trip you take.


breathe in, breathe out.

fill up, fill out.
feel it all and then, let it go.
We are meant to experience life, not carry it with us.
The universe cannot give you more, with all that you’re holding onto.


I’ve never had a problem being someone’s everything.

I have a problem with being anyone’s one thing.
I am overwhelming.
I am consuming.
I am too much.
So, don’t ask me for one thing.
Don’t ask me to be your one thing.
I am so much more.


Took my feelings off and let the light seep in. 

Felt the warmth of the truth radiate off my skin


Your complexity is beautiful.

Your sense of self is rare

Your love is strong

Don’t change.


Take it off. Be free. Be you.


You can look to our fist date, the day I say, “Yes!” or when we said, “I do,”

but that is not where you will find us.

We are on dinner plate and walks with the dog.

We are running errands and picking out treadmills.

We are Friday nights and Sunday mornings.

We can be found, in the smallest of moments.


Be complex. Be multifaceted and think about things. Analyze things. Take ideas in and then put them back out, as a product of you. Be filled with emotions & feelings. Be complicated.


Mothers are woven into even the smallest of decisions and preferences without our conscious knowledge. In spite of, or in light of, they become our essence.


Cheers to the men who choose to love the bold woman, the loud woman, the opinionated woman, the strong woman. I know many think you are a dying breed, but I know better and I see you.


Don’t give your love to someone who makes you feel like you are too much. Give your love to someone who admires your passion, your sense of self, and thinks your intensity is intoxicating.


Sometimes there is no battle to win, not fight to pick. You just need to own your shit, get gelato & let it go.


There’s a difference between giving up & giving in. Pick your battles & remember:

there is beauty in Surrender; there is strength in Yielding & at some point we must submit.

The choice to what & to whom is yours.


wounded spirits are not wounded alone. on the other side of one’s hurt, is another’s


Use your beauty to turn heads in the right direction

Use your intelligence to change minds for the better

Use your words as tools, not weapons

Use your humor to lift spirits, not spite them

Use your light to open hearts, not break them

Use your powers for good.
